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Your Support Matters
Calling all Volunteers!
Stratford Concert Choir is looking for volunteers for ticket scanning and ushering duties for our current and upcoming seasons. If you would like to help and also enjoy the concert as our guest, please email us at
Support for Stratford Concert Choir is an investment in the first-class performances our audiences have come to know. Your gift will help to build a future where great choral music is preserved, presented and enjoyed in an even greater Stratford music culture!
​On behalf of everyone in Stratford Concert Choir, thank you for your support!
Ways to get involved
We sincerely appreciate the help of all who contribute and hope that you will consider donating to the Choir. All proceeds are used to cover operational and administrative expenses incurred by the Choir which include, rental of rehearsal space, purchase of music, artistic staff, and performance expenses such as musicians and sound technicians. For 'mail in' donations see address on Contact page.
To donate online please click on red donate button above.
Attend a Concert
Check back often to see our plans for our 2023-24 season. Events Page
From assisting at our concerts and special events to serving on our Board of Directors or Committees, the SCC offers several opportunities to engage the talents and support of our volunteers.
Do you have a ready smile? We would love to see you greeting our patrons at our sign in desk, as an usher, or at post-concert receptions.
Fundraising – We need you! Includes soliciting donations and planning fundraising events.
Promotions – Need your help to get the word out about performances and events.
Become Season Sponsor
Click icon to learn more​.
Click here to become a sponsor.
​Again, thank you for your support!